Your Opinion May Not Be Helping Things
Science is not designed to support your opinion. Instead, it is designed to reveal facts derived from empirical evidence. It is not the responsibility of facts to agree with what you might think. If you have placed yourself in a position to be bereft of them, facts do not care. They have no ability to care. They are only facts. If facts make you uncomfortable, try to figure out why this is so. This may not be your fault. Indeed, it is most likely that you have been misled about the illuminating qualities of facts. Perhaps your father did not embrace reason. That would be discouraging. Perhaps your mother didn't know how to show that she loved you. She did. It's okay. You can do better. You can start to learn about the way things work in the actual universe. There is much data available. And if you can read, you need only start reading. I wish you the best of luck.